Untill 20 of december 2019 it will be possible to consult on the UNI web site a project Practice as reference points about BIM’s professionals, developed by experts partecipatng to the UNI/PdR Table, in cooperation with ACCREDIA.
PdR Objective? To provide guide lines about mode for valutazion and certification of huma resources, according to UNI 11337 – 7, inorder to guarantee trasparency and consistency in to voluntary processes for valuation of compliance.
The UNI 11337 – 7 in response to the necessity to find qualfied staff, identifies professional requirements for BIM figures, by splitting between tasks and specific activities, in terms of knowledge, ability and expertise. So there are CDE manager, sharing data manager, BIM Manager, digital process manager, BIM coordinator, flows of information coordinator BIM specialist, informative modelization and management advanced user.
NQA is a Certification Authority involved in the necessary activities for identifing expertise ability and knowlege requirements, structured to guarantee indipendence, fairness, trasparency, competence and homogeneity in valutations, adopting and respecting a documented management system. Candidate who prove fulfils minimun conditions is ammitted to examination divided into three tests: a written test, a pratical test finalized to approach specific case studies, different for any professions, and finally an oral test. Yearly NQA carryes out the necessary checks on documents, in order to keep and confirm validity of granted certifications for any single professional.