? One of our works has been published in the most important magazine in the #HBIM field!
BIM Portale website is talking about ETS and B1P Group this month.
Matteo Proia and Davide Tommasi describe how the BIM process applied to historic buildings enables documented analysis of the state of art. Describing how the knowledge and information quality of the buildings is improved and expanded through the method called HBIM (Historical BIM).
The activity of ETS and B1P was based on this principle: to document in a BIM model the state of deterioration of two historical buildings in Rieti in order to be able to start, at a later stage, the design of recovery, redevelopment and restoration of the same.
This is what happens when engineering meets BIM. Find out how we can support you on your path to BIM adoption: https://www.b1pgroup.com/it/partnership/
Read the full article at the link below.